

Monday 30 May 2011


Dear all, recently all of us are busy with our own stuff and no time to update the blog.
But nevermind, I'm going to write something here to update abit.
I want to say if anyone out there at KL area and saw our oli ahma, do startle her or anything to disturb her.
because she is WANTED ! :D the reward is.... after you do your job, you will know it x]
and requested from Ames brother that, he want to tell oli ahma,

You are the dumpling that been sent to Malaysia and nobody want to eat you and you kena send back to Singapore. Then you become moldy and grow mushroom. Thus, you become mushroom dumpling and you can eat yourself during the dumpling festival x]

and yeah, more event will be coming soon so please look forward it =]
For more information, please pm oLi :) because she is the elderly that incharge of this.
Wonder why? because she too old and too free liao ma, so let her do the job x]
Don't get it? go visit her at the old folks and you will get what I mean =p

Best regards, 
Jem :D

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