

Tuesday 31 May 2011

My love for LAM never died before !

Firstly, I wanna apologize to LAM for cheating on him T_T
It's all my fault for being a bi .
I got married to a girl instead of you =(
I know whatever I say you also won't listen already
I don't expect you to forgive me or forget that matter ><
I just wanna apologize for hurting you .
I'm very sorry

Think about those times ,

We bathed together
How much fun we had in the toilet =(
I know you can't forget it too .

You eat 10 ba zhang in 10 mins
And I starved the whole day .

You kicked me out of our room
And I had to sleep in the living room, together with so much lizards

And so much more that I could think of .

How I wish you were here, right by my side .
The house is so empty without you .
My heart has nothing, because you were my everything .
My eyes can't see anything because you're the only one that caught my eye .
My ear was left deaf as your naggings fade into silence .

This is how much I can't live, without you

I'm sorry .

Your first love ,

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