

Thursday 5 May 2011

Kusaihana :O

Oh well well well , since I am free now , I shall take this chance to update is mouldy blog if not soon can pluck mushroom already ( Jem say de ) .

Actually, I'm not sure about what I'm gonna type next, after typing this sentence .

It's 3.38 now , and I can't sleep because I gotta wake up at 6am for a hair show .
And I must try not to be late because Ahma say so lor =( .

Oh I'm out of ideas to fill up this place
Or I should say I don't even have an idea of what to fill in here

Well , I remembered .
Weather hasn't been good lately .
Awhile hot awhile cold .
No wonder will sick .
May both of them get well from whatever illness they're having now .
And I hope that they will be happy in whatever they do .
Regardless of
-Work or Studies ,
-Killing or Dancing
-Eating proper meals or Buns
-Smelly or Bathed
-Mature or Childish
-Old or Young

Eh okay la .
I shall stop now , if not more rubbish will appear .
Then here don't know become what place already .

Mikio 告辞~
* 讨厌! *

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