

Tuesday 31 May 2011

My love for LAM never died before !

Firstly, I wanna apologize to LAM for cheating on him T_T
It's all my fault for being a bi .
I got married to a girl instead of you =(
I know whatever I say you also won't listen already
I don't expect you to forgive me or forget that matter ><
I just wanna apologize for hurting you .
I'm very sorry

Think about those times ,

We bathed together
How much fun we had in the toilet =(
I know you can't forget it too .

You eat 10 ba zhang in 10 mins
And I starved the whole day .

You kicked me out of our room
And I had to sleep in the living room, together with so much lizards

And so much more that I could think of .

How I wish you were here, right by my side .
The house is so empty without you .
My heart has nothing, because you were my everything .
My eyes can't see anything because you're the only one that caught my eye .
My ear was left deaf as your naggings fade into silence .

This is how much I can't live, without you

I'm sorry .

Your first love ,

Monday 30 May 2011


Dear all, recently all of us are busy with our own stuff and no time to update the blog.
But nevermind, I'm going to write something here to update abit.
I want to say if anyone out there at KL area and saw our oli ahma, do startle her or anything to disturb her.
because she is WANTED ! :D the reward is.... after you do your job, you will know it x]
and requested from Ames brother that, he want to tell oli ahma,

You are the dumpling that been sent to Malaysia and nobody want to eat you and you kena send back to Singapore. Then you become moldy and grow mushroom. Thus, you become mushroom dumpling and you can eat yourself during the dumpling festival x]

and yeah, more event will be coming soon so please look forward it =]
For more information, please pm oLi :) because she is the elderly that incharge of this.
Wonder why? because she too old and too free liao ma, so let her do the job x]
Don't get it? go visit her at the old folks and you will get what I mean =p

Best regards, 
Jem :D

Friday 27 May 2011

かぞく ♥

Here's an update on our big big family ヾ(●⌒⌒●)ノ

LAM has forsaken the Gay path and boarded the Bi ship.
Like many others in the family ♥⌒ヽ(ゝ. ●)

Thursday 19 May 2011

theee Toilet birthday ♥

Ames walked to the toilet one day and...

The mystery behind the toilet bowl is finally revealed ♥⌒ヽ(ゝ. ●)

Thursday 5 May 2011

Kusaihana :O

Oh well well well , since I am free now , I shall take this chance to update is mouldy blog if not soon can pluck mushroom already ( Jem say de ) .

Actually, I'm not sure about what I'm gonna type next, after typing this sentence .

It's 3.38 now , and I can't sleep because I gotta wake up at 6am for a hair show .
And I must try not to be late because Ahma say so lor =( .

Oh I'm out of ideas to fill up this place
Or I should say I don't even have an idea of what to fill in here

Well , I remembered .
Weather hasn't been good lately .
Awhile hot awhile cold .
No wonder will sick .
May both of them get well from whatever illness they're having now .
And I hope that they will be happy in whatever they do .
Regardless of
-Work or Studies ,
-Killing or Dancing
-Eating proper meals or Buns
-Smelly or Bathed
-Mature or Childish
-Old or Young

Eh okay la .
I shall stop now , if not more rubbish will appear .
Then here don't know become what place already .

Mikio 告辞~
* 讨厌! *