

Friday 25 February 2011

Introduction II

fuufuu >3
Ah ma also do introduction.
And so..

I can't remember how I became Ah ma le :| so let's just skip that part out.
I don't always play Audi de, play Audi to find Pudding (a.k.a Jem) and Hana (a.k.a Mikio).
The one who crap the most hor, 就是我对了.
BUT THE GRANDCHILDREN ARH~ ()´д`() mou ngan tai le.

Jem who I always call Pudding ♥
Her name very nice hor. It came from the nicer version of Jelly ( ̄ー ̄)
How did Jelly come about? Must ask Ames. This one I don't know le.

Ames who I always call Hana or Ames ♥
He have a lot more names. Please refer to the right side for some examples.
You know he once went by the name of Yao Cai Ji Tang (in short ycjt) ~
Ah ma very long no eat ycjt le (T ^ T) got Prof Owl also leh.
Don't play play uh (= ー =)!

Pudding did most of the intro le so I got nothing much to add also.
Apart from the fact. The two of them somtime very worrisome :\
SO ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ ! If you all hear anything about them.
Please inform this Ah ma A.S.A.P ♥ TYVM !

I'll be back ♥⌒ヽ(ゝ. ●)

Thursday 24 February 2011


Hi, its me again!
watashi wa jem desu =)
Well, why me again? sorry la if you sian of me because they all busy no time introduce.
I very guai so I will take the job =D
For your info, Jem is a good slacker because she can slack until her skill all gone (Y)
What she doing in audi then? orh, talk lo.
Always talk to her friends, whispering here and there >.>
And, she loves den very much :x 
2nd, oLi the ahma.
What can I say is ahma is damn funny, sometimes very cute as well =P
Me and Mikio always wanted to find one ahgong for her, 
we very nice de scare she alone nobody accompany, so.. find her ahgong lo xD
Find her ahgong and kick her to oldfolks home are what we do to her =3
Besides, ahma most pro in nagging le. We know she cares for all ;shy 
share all loves but sometimes we will purposely make her nag more de, make fun HAHAHAHA xD
Lastly, Mikio aka my best bro, Ames. He is the top model among us.
Always pose or stoning one and somehow he will show you his gayness LOL
;shy is the face that he always use, as he likes to say: taoyan ;shy~
LOL okies thats the simple introduction by me, JEM! not jam hor =\
hmm, feel free to vote and drop your comment =D 
chit chat corner is for you to craps if you want.
enjoy~ C:

(* ̄ー ̄*)

Ah ma 来了!
Please support Ah ma by voting Hana as the best name for Ames (♥ v ♥)

I'll be back
♥⌒ヽ(ゝ. ●)

First post.

Well, i have nothing much to say.
This is our temporary blog for now.
For more information, please wait for further notice.

p.s. Hi, I'm Jem! =D