

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Happy 新年快乐 guys

Today is bad day.
But I'm opening ang baoz today

So how's new year?
I got no time to catch up with you people thou, not even Jem
I TTQ until every night reach home le jiu bathe and sleep damn tired there was one night i even fell asleep on table for 3 hours without bathing then wake up bathe and go TTQ again .
haiz lei si le but i feel so alive.

And for gambling..
win abit . really a bit
got win got lose so end up win less then 10 or 5 only

kk i go bathe liao
Enjoy the new year guys , what has to be free should just let go one, afterall it's a beginning of a new year le .

Roast duck is nice ..

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