

Wednesday 6 November 2013

After 8 months..

I come back to clear the dust and whatever spider webs for this corner.
Somebody said i let it rot at here for too long and complain I didn't update it.

Okay, here's the updated story,
Ames turned into xiao mei mei (A**S) already.. but with no boobs one because milk was gone :(
Ahma still so busy with her assignments so no time come play or update the blog often.
Meanwhile I still looking for the god damn job :(
Sighs.. I don't want to grow up T_T give me back my childhood time LOL

Recently too many problems to deal with, make me feel so vexed Dx
What to do? Being an adult is not easy too ! human really hard to please..
oh lifeeeeeeeee ~

There's not much update about audition family, so I have nothing to write at here.
Talk so long only writing random stuff.. OMG ! please forgive me :')

hais.. I better go face the wall..
#foreveralone #mode

see ya people !

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