

Friday 27 December 2013

Good morning I can't sleep

Although I changed IGN, I'm still Mikio .
Sister I'm sorry for my IGN being disliked by you LOOL
I really miss the times we spent together few years ago, together with everyone.
Things do change but our memories will still remain .
Thanks for all the events you guys organised and participated in .

Love the one at old folks home and the one that stayed under the bridge with me all along .

Saturday 30 November 2013

Happy Birthday to Jem ! :3

30 November, last day of November aka Jem's birthday *claps claps*
Well, it's just the day when Jem was created 4 years ago :x

*omg! time passes for fast! >w<*

This year it gonna be special a bit because she gonna celebrate it with herself ! LOL
She bought the gift box from the mall and open it as her birthday gift but audi keep eating her dens :(
not giving any good items but ticket, ticket, and... ticket >_<
Until the end, she gave up open the gift box and off audi straight lolololol

p.s. I did receive the text from tiny about the birthday wish! she still remember that :o and she's cute !! hahahaha XD

That's all from me,
Take care everyone and see ya ! :)

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Template and layout also dying :(

It's me again !
Okay, I realize the blog not only look dead but the blog layout all also dying LOL
But I'm not sure when will I change or update the template layout everything..
Or other admins can help? hahaha
Maybe it will just take some time for us to do that because all were busy now..

Take care everyone :)! Ciaos 


Wednesday 6 November 2013

After 8 months..

I come back to clear the dust and whatever spider webs for this corner.
Somebody said i let it rot at here for too long and complain I didn't update it.

Okay, here's the updated story,
Ames turned into xiao mei mei (A**S) already.. but with no boobs one because milk was gone :(
Ahma still so busy with her assignments so no time come play or update the blog often.
Meanwhile I still looking for the god damn job :(
Sighs.. I don't want to grow up T_T give me back my childhood time LOL

Recently too many problems to deal with, make me feel so vexed Dx
What to do? Being an adult is not easy too ! human really hard to please..
oh lifeeeeeeeee ~

There's not much update about audition family, so I have nothing to write at here.
Talk so long only writing random stuff.. OMG ! please forgive me :')

hais.. I better go face the wall..
#foreveralone #mode

see ya people !

Wednesday 6 March 2013


Depressing  .
Cny is over .
Everything is over now .
Gonna open my ang baos after i bathe .
I did mention on the post last year too .
Maybe i should do it next year and every other year too .

Take care , humans that still reads this blog .
Don't give up on things that comes so hard , so easily .
Its for your own good . Not mine .

Time to say 再見!

Still so cool,
-Mikio .

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Ohhh man !

This is so dead .
So the kelian little sick and only guy here shall do something about it .
I know... I know... CNY coming !!
Got steamboat to eat lo !!
Hahaha but hor..


I think all kinds of mushroom exists here lor
Mutated ones also have ba ;eeks...