

Monday 3 August 2015


Hello dearest grandmother,
I'm here representing your loveliest grandchildren

Wishing you a Happy 76 birthday 😎
Your cake this year 🍰
Hope you like it
Hope every this day of the year you'll always be smiling widely enjoying yourself but turned off eventually by our birthday post for you ✌

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Happy 新年快乐 guys

Today is bad day.
But I'm opening ang baoz today

So how's new year?
I got no time to catch up with you people thou, not even Jem
I TTQ until every night reach home le jiu bathe and sleep damn tired there was one night i even fell asleep on table for 3 hours without bathing then wake up bathe and go TTQ again .
haiz lei si le but i feel so alive.

And for gambling..
win abit . really a bit
got win got lose so end up win less then 10 or 5 only

kk i go bathe liao
Enjoy the new year guys , what has to be free should just let go one, afterall it's a beginning of a new year le .

Roast duck is nice ..

Sunday 3 August 2014

请你吃 "老鼠粉"!!!



亲爱的啊嬷, 生日快乐yo!
希望没有人会弄你生气或伤心,每天像老玩童一样开开心心 , 无忧无虑  。

以前说送你近老人院, 还说会探望你 。。。

不要忘记我们yo .

我们都很爱你 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!

很 sleepy 的 Duck 先退下了!

Enjoy your birthday yo ahma !

Wednesday 9 April 2014


HEY!~ surprise? :3 nyek nyek~

First of all, my apologies to all for MIA from audi.. but I really really missed playing with you all! T^T
Like seriously, how are you guys man! Feels like it's been ages I didn't talk to you all! Everyone must be getting more and more awesome & fat lar~~ right? hahahaha!!! *jk*
I actually don't know what to write lor.. Just FYI I will just spam some nonsense crap :3

Sampat Jem, how is your sampat-ness? Did you spread well? haha.. 

So sad I've been expending my waist lately!! sobs... but I think it's a good thing too cause my shaorou will be so much deliciouso~~ ohohoho~ 

My partner chasao!!! You must be work really hard to satisfy our only loyal customer Jem! Else we will go broke pat*

PS: OH! BUSTED! My secret holiday got exposed~~ Hahahaha!! Jem, you may eat chasao first~~ he's just freshly grilled (y) I'm sorry guys please do take the sunglasses as souvenir <3 hehehe!!

ok bye guys! Goodnight!
Take care & hugs... 

Sunday 16 March 2014

For the best sister

对不起 for not catching all the megas especially Edam's one..
I was busy attending to lulu wanting to login derrick :<

Happy birthday anyway :D (belated for this post)

I guess this year's wasn't too great?
But there are still good things that makes you happy right?
And when I hope you're happy, I really want you to be happy .
Sorry when you asked for ahma I didn't know where to find ahma for you LOLOL

Anyway I still dont get the things you say before we went to bed .
Thank you so much for your understanding too
  - 变成妹妹的弟弟      


Friday 28 February 2014



但是!没有睡觉一直在那边看顾你的花园也不是很乖到哪里去 D:
你也不必要那么感到抱歉 =)

其实我也是要感谢你和阿嘛还有烧肉,不然我也早就离开 Audi 了吧。

再说,那天FC只是件小事啦。反正我们也闲着,能帮就帮呗 :P
什么还有好日子过,好像你每次都没有好日子过的酱 =3=

我也爱我的circuit 和美味的叉烧烧肉,猪肉真的很好吃 LOL

祝你一路顺风,玩的开心点 :D
也希望老的有空就 lai ang 一下,进来一起玩,聊天。

后会有期! ^^

p.s. nice picture for piggy. 
CAN I EAT YOU ?! *drool* but not the head please :3

发自内心的话 会更好听吗?

我想我应该在我走之前把这份欠了很久的 essay 写完

对于 Edam 和 Ebi , 我非常抱歉

有一天,就因为懒惰等人,也不知为何她知道 Ebi 和 Edam 在玩 BB 就叫我问他们要不要一起玩。所以我就找最可靠的 Ebi 帮我这个忙。

我对 Ebi 的亏欠是无人能理解的,她本身也应该不知道吧?
虽然她常常说我把她当傀儡,好玩, 好用。
因为跟着她的时候最舒服,有事可以直接说, 需要帮忙也第一个找她。

oh对, 也要趁这个机会感谢 Ebi 和 Edam 在当天也去 FC 帮我 tag 了很久
Ebi 也帮了我一个很大的忙,不然我不用冲凉了
我真的不知到没有您,我该这么活在 Audi 。

再次谢谢你 Ebi ,帮我完成我的 Story 。也要谢 Edam 和 宝贝walker 的帮忙
谢谢你们让我知道在Audi 还是有好日子过的

好了这个 essay 应该不会被姐姐骂吧?

我爱我的Circuit 和 美味的烧肉 LOL

超酷的 Skelz 告辞!

400+ words
Jem, I'll save you the trouble for this post .

Piggy D;
Is that you ?
You seem to be enjoying life out there :<

Sunday 23 February 2014


okok essay essay
Not really gonna be an essay but still will try my best to make it better than nonsense

For this, -Jem forgot what I did neither did I remember what's wrong... but.....
Oftentimes excusing of a fault doth make the fault the worse by the excuse
So there will be no explanations here.

Mercy wasn't bestowed upon me
I can't run from the fact that I have two 250 words "essays" to complete
And things got worst when -Jem said 1 will be in English, another in Chinese.....

My apologies to -Jem, walker, ahma, shaorou, edam and whoever that I affected by doing or saying whatever it was then, which I trust no one remembers.

It was only regretful when I'm starting to type all these but I'll still bullshit my way through this letter or essay it's gonna be seen as .
With every fibre of my being, I sincerely hope that you guys would forgive me for the wrongs I did.
To live with such guilt is even tougher than not sleeping for 5 days..
Time became the whip that whacked me every sleepless nights while the scene of my wrongdoings play and rewind repeatedly countless of times in my mind .

bye goodnight sleepy liao cannot continue . tmr continue chinese version or when i'm free ahahaha

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 yay!
超 cool 的,
  Skelz yo !

Edited liao ok .

Saturday 8 February 2014

Chinese New Year 2014 Family Reunion

The title says it all again (^^) .
And here's how the reunion went:
Or maybe not..
I missed all the crazy times we spent together too and am happy that after so many years we still keep in contact.

Though Ahma isn't very active but Ahma will always be around. She will still be there to nag at you when you are sick, skipping meals, peeping at you while you shower or while you sleep through that hole in your ceiling. She's kinda deaf and blind at the moment so you will have to jump right in front of her to get her attention :3


You will always be on her mind ヽ(ゝ. ●

Friday 31 January 2014

Happy 新年快乐 !
So Jem played with shao rou yesterday and I went there late.
Haiz with such confidence yesterday, there wasn't any shao rou today...

All the best to everyone here and have a good year ahead
Get more 红包 most important la .

DERRICK 恭喜 you 发财yo.