

Wednesday 9 April 2014


HEY!~ surprise? :3 nyek nyek~

First of all, my apologies to all for MIA from audi.. but I really really missed playing with you all! T^T
Like seriously, how are you guys man! Feels like it's been ages I didn't talk to you all! Everyone must be getting more and more awesome & fat lar~~ right? hahahaha!!! *jk*
I actually don't know what to write lor.. Just FYI I will just spam some nonsense crap :3

Sampat Jem, how is your sampat-ness? Did you spread well? haha.. 

So sad I've been expending my waist lately!! sobs... but I think it's a good thing too cause my shaorou will be so much deliciouso~~ ohohoho~ 

My partner chasao!!! You must be work really hard to satisfy our only loyal customer Jem! Else we will go broke pat*

PS: OH! BUSTED! My secret holiday got exposed~~ Hahahaha!! Jem, you may eat chasao first~~ he's just freshly grilled (y) I'm sorry guys please do take the sunglasses as souvenir <3 hehehe!!

ok bye guys! Goodnight!
Take care & hugs...